【讲座题目】标量高斯-博内特引力理论中的中子星研究(Neutron stars in scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity)
【讲座时间】2022年1月 5日 9:30-11:00
【报告人简介】徐睿于2019年获得美国印第安纳大学博士学位,之后在北京大学科维理天文与天体物理研究所开展博士后研究至今。迄今为止在Physics Letters B、Physical Review D以及Symmetry等期刊发表论文15篇。研究方向为引力理论及其检验,主要包括两种引力理论:一种是在标准模型扩展的框架下研究有洛伦兹对称性破缺的引力理论并在地面实验以及天文观测中进行检验;另一种是在标量张量引力理论中研究中子星的自发标量化并考虑其对脉冲星信号以及引力波信号的影响。
Modifying general relativity (GR) with an additional scalar field is a promising attempt to address issues of dark matter and dark energy in cosmology. It can also generate solutions different from those in GR for compact stars. We study the solutions for neutron stars when gravity is modified by a scalar field coupled with the Gauss-Bonnet invariant, causing the remarkable phenomenon of spontaneous scalarization. I will first talk about the spherical solutions for neutron stars. Then I will present the results on astrophysical observables including the tidal deformability and the moment of inertia of the neutron stars, which are computed using the perturbation theory in the spherical background spacetime.