2023 School/Workshopon "Nonlinear X-ray spectroscopy and related phenomena"
2023 School/Workshop on "Nonlinear X-ray spectroscopy and related phenomena" will be hold between October 3rd, 2023 and October 6th, 2023, by North China Electric Power University.
X-ray spectroscopy is one of the most important ways to explore matter structures from atoms and moleculesat the microscopic scaleto macroscopic solid and liquid state systems. The development ofadvanced X-ray light sources with super-high brightness, ultra-short pulse duration of high intensity and coherence pushesx-ray laser field dynamics and x-ray spectroscopy into the nonlinear regimes.
This school/workshop is devoted to the discussion of various methods and processes of modern linear and nonlinear X-ray spectroscopyand related strong field phenomena. These topics will be covered by public lecturesduring the morning sessionswhich are fully educational to graduate students. Following will be advanced talks including the latest developments in related fields. Extensive discussions and free communications are expected after each lecture and talk.
We invite for participation students, postdocs, young and experienced researchers who are interested in this modern dynamic field.There is no registration fee for this school/workshop. Accommodation and board expenses during the meeting will not be covered by the host.
For registration please contact:
Ji-Cai Liu (刘纪彩), Email: [email protected], Phone: 010-61772163
Address: No.2 Beinong Road, Changping District, Beijing, China
Schedule at a glance
| Oct 4th | Oct 5th | |
8:30-9:20 | Public Lecture: Population dynamics in strong laser fields, Faris Gelmukhanov, KTH | Public Lecture: Propagation properties of strong laser pulses, Faris Gelmukhanov, KTH | |
9:30-10:20 | Public Lecture: Principles of x-ray radiation sources operation (synchrotron, XFEL and HHG),Victor Kimberg, KTH | Public Lecture:Applications of modern x-ray facilities: short and intense pulses, Victor Kimberg, KTH | |
10:20-10:40 | Tea Break | |
10:40-11:40 | Advanced talk: Nondipole effects in ionization of atoms and molecules,Liang-You Peng, Peking University | Advanced talk: Strong field effects in X-ray pulse propagation and X-ray pump-probe spectroscopy, Ji-Cai Liu, North China Electric Power University | |
Lunch | | |
14:00-15:00 | Advanced talk:Avoid crossing after resonant Auger decay in N2 molecule,Xiaojing Liu,ShanghaiTech University | Advanced talk:Auger Electron spectroscopy by Attosecond X-Ray Pulses, Song-Bin Zhang,Shaanxi Normal University | |
15:00-16:00 | Advanced talk:Theoretical simulations of ultrafast nonlinear X-ray spectra of organic molecules, Weijie Hua,Nanjing University of Science & Technology | Advanced talk: Terahertz Radiation from Bi-chromatic Strong Fields, Yi-Zhu Zhang,Tianjin University | |
16:00-16:20 | Tea Break | |
16:20-17:20 | Advanced talk:Visualizing non-Condon vibronic coupling with optical and electrical molecular images, Guang-Jun Tian, Yanshan University | Vibrational structure resolved absorption spectra analysis of atmospheric and interstellar diatomic molecules, Jian Wang;High-order harmonic generation from H2+ induced by spatially inhomogeneous chirped laser field, Shuo Yuan, North China Electric Power University | |