研究方向(Focus Area):
办公地址: 华北电力大学主楼C1133
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毕业硕士:张荣英、王琳、郑英超、甄丽、刘月超、陈朵朵、吴亚攀、崔淑媛、付豪、魏珠萍、李群、王鹏、郝文卓、姜羽、敦世钊、郭美丽、吕薇、赵文嘉、刘雅雯、Habib Ullah Khan。
3. 学生获得荣誉
[1] 炉内多场耦合环境中的声传播规律与多场协同测量方法研究,2023/01-2026/12,国家自然科学基金项目,主持。
[2] 核电站蒸汽发生器泄漏声辐射特性与诊断方法研究,2021/01-2024/12,国家自然科学基金项目,主持。
[1] Wei Zhang, Genshan Jiang, Jianhao Sun , Yu Jiang, Simultaneous reconstruction of 3D non-uniform temperature and velocity fields in a furnace using a bidirectional acoustic path separation tracking method,Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 236, 121768.
[2] Wei Zhang, Genshan Jiang, Jianhao Sun , Yu Jiang , Miao Yu,3D reconstruction of nonuniform and unsteady flow velocity distribution using nonlinear acoustic ray tracing and tomography, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2023, 217, 124660.
[3] Wei Zhang, Genshan Jiang, Jianhao Sun, Wei Lyu, Acoustic reconstruction of the vortex field in the nonuniform temperature field of a simulated furnace, Applied Acoustics, 2023, 207, 109334.
[4] Genshan Jiang, Miao Yu, Yanfeng Yang, Yu Jiang, Wei Zhang, Jianhao Sun. Effect of sound excitation on the flow field and convection heat transfer around a cylinder, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023, 185, 108110.
[5] Miao Yu, Genshan Jiang, Yu Jiang, Yuechao Liu, Wei Zhang, Jianhao Sun. Experimental and numerical study of convective heat transfer in-line tube bundle by acoustic action,Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2023, 44, 102869.
[6] Miao Yu, Genshan Jiang, Yu Jiang, Wei Zhang, Jianhao Sun. Effect of acoustic waves on the flow and heat transfer around two tandem arranged cylinders, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022, 40, 102573.
[7] Qian Kong, Ying Lu, Genshan Jiang, Yuechao Liu, Acoustic measurement of velocity filed using improved radial basic function neural network, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 202, 123733.
[8] Qian Kong, Peng Li, Genshan Jiang, Yuechao Liu, Numerical and experimental study on acoustic tomographic reconstruction of flow field,Measurement,2023, 217, 113025.
[9] Yanfeng Yang, Genshan Jiang, Yuechao Liu, Yang Yang, Flow field characteristics of Rayleigh streaming in a two-dimensional rectangular channel under the background physical field, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 142, 106643.
[10] Yuechao Liu, Genshan Jiang, Yanfeng Yang, Qian Kong, Motion characteristics of particles around the cylindrical tube in a standing wave sound field, Chinese Journal of Acoustics, 2023,42(2): 204-219.
[11] Yuechao Liu, Genshan Jiang, Yanfeng Yang, Qian Kong, Yu Jiang,Numerical simulation on acoustic streaming characteristics in boiler tube array,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2022, 193, 122834.
[12] Genshan Jiang, Yanfeng Yang, Weilong Xu, Miao Yu, Yuechao Liu. Convective Heat Exchange Characteristics of Acoustic-induced Flows over a Sphere: The Role of Acoustic Streaming, Applied acoustics, 2021, 177, 107915: 1-14.
[13] Genshan Jiang, Yuechao Liu, Qian Kong, Wenzhuo Hao, Liansuo An. Study on acoustic time delay localization in boiler tube arrays considering effective sound velocity, Applied acoustics, 2021, 171, 107680: 1-8.
[14] Qian Kong, Genshan Jiang, Yuechao Liu, Jianhao Sun. Location of water-cooling wall tube leakage in boiler based on acoustic method and Radial basis function artificial neural network,IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,2021,70, 4502618: 1-18.
[15] Genshan Jiang, Yanfeng Yang, Yu Jiang, Yuechao Liu. Acoustic streaming outside spherical particles and Parameter analysis of heat transfer enhancement, European Journal of Mechanics / B Fluids, 2021, 86, 1-14.
[16] Yanfeng Yang, Genshan Jiang, Yu Jiang, Yuechao Liu, Miao Yu. Numerical study of acoustic streaming around spherical particles in the presence of sound Field,Chinese Journal of Acoustics, 2021,40(3): 401-418.
[17] Qian Kong, Genshan Jiang, Yuechao Liu, Jianhao Sun. 3D High-quality Temperature-field Reconstruction Method in Furnace Based on Acoustic Tomography,Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 179, 115693: 1-15.
[18] Qian Kong, Genshan Jiang, Yuechao Liu, Miao Yu. Numerical and Experimental Study on Temperature Field Reconstruction Based on Acoustic Tomography, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 170, 114720: 1-13.