姓名: 郭宝珠
职称: 教授
所在院系: bet365游戏
研究方向:Focus Area:
分布参数系统控制 (Distributed Parameter Systems Control)
控制理论 (Control Theory)
办公地址: 主楼 C1135
电子邮箱:[email protected]
郭宝珠,男, 1962年2月生。 1982年本科毕业于山西大学数学系,1984年硕士毕业于中国科学院系统科学研究所,1991年获香港中文大学应用数学博士学位。1999年中国科学院“百人计划”入选者;2009年山西省首届“百人计划”专家。1998年任北京理工大学应用数学系教授,2000为中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院研究员,2004-2019年任南非金山大学(University of the Witwatersrand)计算机与应用数学讲座教授,2019年加入华北电力大学bet365游戏
。主要从事从事无穷维系统的建模,控制,数值计算,偏微分方程解的研究。在人口分布参数控制, 无穷维系统的镇定问题,振动系统分析的Riesz基理论,偏微分控制系统的适定性与正则性,最优控制的数值解,输出含有时间延迟的分布参数系统控制,自抗扰控制等几个研究方面有重要的贡献。除去**外, 七次主持国家基金项目包括重点基金,数次主持南非科学基金会项目。出版包括科学出版社在内的中文专著三本,国际著名出版社英文专著三本 (Springer 1999, 2019; Wiley 2016)。 数篇文章被国际同行公开评价为“重要的文章”; “非常重要的文章”。关于柔性机器臂剪力反馈控制文章被国际同行公开评价为“卓越的文章,用熟练非凡的数学证明了对机器人学实践显然重要的结果”。其关于Riesz 基的方法被国际文献称为”郭氏型Bari 定理”。关于自抗扰控制的三个主要环节,跟踪微分器,扩张状态观测器,以及反馈的工作奠定了这一控制技术的理论基础, 被国际同行评论为``对自控扰控制理论做出了重要的贡献”。
曾经在南非教过的本科生课程: 线性系统控制;最优控制
出站博士后:马玉兰(2004-2006),张琼(2004-2006), 王军民(2004-2006), 孙兵(2005-2006),郭伟(2007-2008), 邵志超(2006-2008),张志雄(2007-2008), 柴树根(2007-2008), 丁俊堂(2008-2009), 常晋德(2009-2010), 吴涛涛(2009-2010),蔡礼明(2009-2011),杨东辉(2010-2011), 金凤飞(2011-2012), 张亮(2012-2013),赵志良(2012-2013), 于怀强(2014-2015), 金凤飞(2013-2015),刘玉香(2014-2015)。
毕业博士:谢宇(2003), 郭伟(2004), 孙兵(2005),邵志超(2006), 常晋德(2007), 张志雄(2007), 周翠莲(2007),吴涛涛(2009), 杨坤一(2009), 金凤飞(2011), 张国栋(2011),赵志良(2012), 赵志学(2012), Pene M Kamga (2013),康文(2014), 周华成(2015), 刘军军(2015),吴泽浩(2017), 任寒景(2019),孟亭亭(2020)。
[1] 博士后基金(主持): 1991.9--1993.9, 国家教委 : 0.5万;
[2] 生灭过程、弹性系统、烧蚀过程及其分布参数控制(主持), 1995.1--1997.12, 国家基金委(69404002): 8.3万;
[3] 振动系统控制(主持), 1995.6--1998.6, 国家留学回国人员基金:3万;
[4] 水资源中的应用数学-中法先进计划(主持), 1998.1--1999.12,国家科技部: 5万;
[5] 复杂系统控制的基础理论研究(参加), 1997.1-2000.12, 国家科技部: 500万(本人:14万);
[6] Hilbert空间Riesz基方法与振动系统的边界控制(主持), 1999.1--2001.12, 国家基金委(69874003): 10万;
[7] 中科院百人计划(主持), 2000.6-2003.6, 中国科学院: 200万;
[8] 柔性结构振动控制的分布参数理论研究(参加), 2002.1-2004.12, 国家基金委(60174008): 18万(本人:8万);
[9]偏微分方程系统的适定性与正则性的研究(主持), 2004.1--2006.12,国家基金委(60374019): 15万;
[10]分布参数系统理论(国家**})(主持), 2004.1-2007.12,国家基金委(60325309): 120万;
[11] 数值求解最优控制: 动态规划方法(主持), 2010.1--2012.12,国家基金委(60974032): 31万;
[12] 山西省“百人计划“, 2010-2012, 100万;
[13]973 项目, 国家科技部 (2011CB808002)(参加), 2011.1-2015.12,(本人:50万);
[14] 带有不确定干扰的无穷维系统的镇定(主持), 2013.1--2016.12,国家基金委(61273129): 80万;
[15]不确定偏微分控制系统的输出反馈与性能跟踪(主持), 2019.1--2022.12,国家基金委(61873260): 65万.
[16] 不确定偏微分系统的抗扰输出调节理论(主持), 2022-1--2025.12,国家基金委重点基金( 12131008),250万。
[1]2014年北京市自然科学二等奖 (获奖人: 郭宝珠,王军民)
[2]2019年 教育部自然科学二等奖 (获奖人: 王军民, 郭宝珠)
[1]. 于景元、 郭宝珠、 朱广田, 人口分布参数控制理论,华中理工大学出版社, 1999年,360页.
[2]. 郭宝珠、柴树根,无穷维线性系统控制理论,科学出版社, 北京, 2012年, 406页; 第二版(现代数学基础丛书,2020),458页。
[3]. Z.H.Luo, B.Z.Guo and O.Morgul, Stability and Stabilization of Infinite Dimensional Systems with Applications , 403 pages, Springer-Verlag, London, 1999.
[4]. B.Z.Guo and Z.L.Zhao, Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Nonlinear Systems: An Introduction , 368 pages, Wiley & Sons, New York,2016.
[5]. B.Z.Guo and J.M.Wang, Control of Wave and Beam PDEs: The Riesz Basis Approach , 596 pages, Springer-Verlag, Cham, 2019.
[1]. B.Z.Guo and T.Meng, Robust output feedback control for output regulation of Euler-Bernoulli beam equations, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, in press.
[2.] J.J.Liu and B.Z.Guo, Robust tracking error feedback control for a one-dimensional Schrodinger equation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, in press.
[3]. Z.X.Zhao,B.Z.Guo, and Z.Han, Boundary control and observation to inverse coefficient problem for heat equation with unknown source and initial value, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, in press.
[4]. J.Liu and B.Z.Guo, Uniformly semidiscretized approximation for exact observability and controllability of one-dimensional Euler-Bernoulli beam, Systems & Control Letters, 156 (2021) , 105013, 8pp.
[5]. M.Ghattassi and B.Z.Guo, Output tracking for a radiative density optical communication system with unknown disturbance, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 17(2021), 100164, 12pp.
[6]. B.Z.Guo and S.A. Ivanov, Finite dimensional control of multichannel systems, Journal of Differential Equations, 296(2021), 213-241.
[7]. Y. Cheng, Y. Wu, and B.Z.Guo, Absolute boundary stabilization for an axially moving Kirchhoff beam, Automatica, 129(2021) , 109667,12p.
[8]. B.Z.Guo and T.Meng, Robust output regulation of 1-d wave equation, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control, 16(2021), 100140, 10pp.
[9]. B.Z.Guo and Z.D.Mei, Output feedback stabilization for a classof first-order equation setting ofcollocatedwell-posed linear systems with time delay in observation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(2020), 2612-2618.
[10]. H.Feng, B.Z.Guo, and X.H.Wu, Trajectory planning approach to output tracking for a 1-D wave equation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 65(2020) ,1841-1854.
[11]. H.C.Zhou, B.Z.Guo, and S.H.Xiang, Performance output tracking formulti-dimensional heat equation subject to unmatched disturbance and non-collocated control , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 65(2020), 1940-1955.
[12]. B.Z.Guo and T.T.Meng, Robust error based non-collocated output tracking control for a heat equation, Automatica , 114(2020), 108818, 11 pp.
[13]. Z.D.Mei and B.Z.Guo, Stabilization for infinite-dimensional linear systems with bounded control and time delayed observation, Systems & Control Letters, 134(2019), 104532.
[14]. J.Liu and B.Z.Guo,A novel semi-discrete scheme preserving uniformly exponential stability for an Euler-Bernoulli beam, Systems & Control Letters , 134(2019), 104518.
[15]. F.F.Jin and B.Z.Guo, Boundary output tracking for an Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with unmatched perturbations from a known exosystem , Automatica , 109(2019), 108507, 9 pp.
[16]. W.Kang and B.Z.Guo, Arbitrary decay for boundary stabilization of Schrodinger equation subject to unknown disturbance by Lyapunov approach, IFAC Journal of Systems and Control , 7(2019),100033.
[17]. Z.L.Zhao and B.Z.Guo, A novel extended state observer for output tracking of MIMO systems with mismatched uncertainty, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(2018), 211-218.
[18]. F.F.Jinand B.Z. Guo, Performance boundary output tracking for one-dimensional heat equation with boundary unmatched disturbance, Automatica , 96(2018),1-10.
[19]. H.C.Zhou and B.Z.Guo, Boundary feedback stabilization foranunstable time fractional reaction diffusion equation, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization , 56(2018), 75-101.
[20]. Z.L.Zhao and B.Z.Guo, A nonlinear extended state observer based onfractional power functions, Automatica , 81(2017), 286-296.
[21]. H.C.Zhou and B.Z.Guo, Unknown input observer design and output feedback stabilization for multi-dimensional wave equation with boundary control matched uncertainty, Journal of Differential Equations, 263(2017), 2213–2246.
[22]. H.Feng and B.Z.Guo,Active disturbance rejection control: New and old results, Annual Reviews in Control, 44(2017), 238-248.
[23]. H.Feng and B.Z.Guo, New unknown input observer and output feedback stabilization for uncertain heat equation, Automatica , 86(2017), 1-10.
[24]. H.Feng and B.Z.Guo, A new active disturbance rejection control to output feedback stabilization for a one-dimensional anti-stable wave equation withdisturbance, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 62(2017),3774-3787.
[25]. H.Feng and B.Z.Guo, Observer design andexponential stabilization forwave equation in energy space by boundary displacement measurement only, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(2017), 1438-1444.
[26]. B.Z.Guo and Z.H.Wu, Output tracking for a class of nonlinear systems with mismatched uncertainties by active disturbance rejection control, Systems & Control Letters , 100(2017), 21-31.
[27]. B.Z.Guo and H.Q.Yu, Optimal state estimation for non-time invertible evolutionary system, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization , 54(2016),2754-2786.
[28]. B.Z.Guo, Y.S.Xu, and D.H.Yang, Optimal actuator location ofminimum normcontrols for heat equation with general controlleddomain, Journal of Differential Equations , 261(2016), 3588-3614.
[29]. R.L.Wen, S.G.Chai, and B.Z.Guo, Well-posedness and exact controllability of fourth-order Schrö dinger equation with hinged boundary control and collocated observation, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems , 28(2016), article 22.
[30]. B.Z.Guo, Z.H.Wu, and H.C.Zhou, Active disturbance rejection control approach to output-feedback stabilization of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems subject to stochastic disturbance, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(2016), 1613-1618.
[31]. W.Guo and B.Z.Guo, Performance output tracking for a wave equation subject to unmatched general boundary harmonic disturbance, Automatica , 68(2016), 194-202.
[32]. H.Feng and B.Z.Guo,Distributeddisturbance estimator and application to stabilization formulti-dimensional wave equation with corrupted boundary observation, Automatica , 66(2016),25–33.
[33]. Z.L.Zhao and B.Z.Guo, Extended state observer for uncertain lower triangular nonlinear systems, Systems and Control Letters, 85(2015), 100-108.
[34]. B.Sun and B.Z.Guo,Convergence of an upwind finite-difference scheme forHamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation in optimal control, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(2015), 3012-3017.
[35]. H.Feng and B.Z.Guo, On stability equivalence betweendynamic output feedback and staticoutput feedback for a class of second order infinite-dimensional infinite-dimensional systems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 53(2015),1934-1955.
[36]. G.J.Zheng, B.Z.Guo, and M.M.Ali, Continuous dependence of optimal controlto controlled domain of actuatorfor heat equation, Systems and Control Letters, 79(2015), 30-38.
[37]. B.Z.Guo and F.F.Jin,Output feedback stabilization forone-dimensional wave equation subject to boundary disturbance, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 60(2015), 824-830.
[38]. B.Z.Guo and D.H.Yang, Optimal actuator location for time and norm optimal control ofnull controllable heat equation, Mathematics ofControl, Signals, and Systems , 27(2015), 23–48.
[39]. B.Z.Guo and H.C.Zhou, The active disturbance rejection control to stabilization for multi-dimensional wave equationwith boundary control matched disturbance, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60(2015), 143-157.
[40]. F.F.Jin and B.Z.Guo, Lyapunov approach to output feedback stabilization forEuler-Bernoulli beam equation with boundary, Automatica , 52(2015), 95-102.
[41]. H.Feng and B.Z.Guo, Output feedback stabilization for unstable wave equation with general corrupted boundary observation, Automatica , 50(2014), 3164-3172.
[42]. G.J.Zheng, B.Z.Guo, and M.M.Ali,Stability of optimal control of heat equation withsingular potential, Systems and Control Letters, 74(2014) 18-23.
[43]. B.Z.Guo and H.C.Zhou, Active disturbance rejection control for rejecting boundary disturbancefrom multi-dimensional Kirchhoffplatevia boundary control, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization , 52(2014),2800-2830.
[44]. Q.Zhang, J.M.Wang and B.Z.Guo, Stabilization of the Euler-Bernoulli equation via boundary connection with heat equation, Mathematics ofControl, Signals, and Systems , 26(2014), 77-118.
[45]. B.Z.Guo and L.Zhang, Local null controllability ofChemotaxis system of parabolic-elliptic type, Systems and Control Letters, 65(2014), 106-111.
[46]. R.L.Wen, S.G.Chai, and B.Z.Guo, Well-posedness and exact controllability offourth order Schrodinger equation with boundary control and collocated observation, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization , 52(2014),365-396.
[47]. B.Z.Guo and Z.L.Zhao, On convergence of the nonlinear active disturbance rejection control for MIMO Systems, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 51(2013), 1727-1757.
[48]. B.Z.Guo and Z.L.Zhao, Weak convergence ofnonlinear high-gain tracking differentiator, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 58(2013),1074-1080.
[49]. B.Z.Guo and F.F.Jin, The active disturbance rejection and sliding mode control approachto the stabilization ofEuler-Bernoulli beam equation with boundary input disturbance, Automatica , 49(2013), 2911-2918.
[50]. W.Guo and B.Z.Guo, Parameter estimation and non-collocated adaptive stabilization for a wave equation subject to general boundary harmonic disturbance, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 58(2013), 1631-1643.
[51]. W.Guo and B.Z.Guo Adaptive output feedback stabilization for one-dimensional wave equation with corrupted observation by harmonic disturbance, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 51(2013), 1679–1706.
[52]. B.Z.Guo and F.F.Jin, Sliding mode and active disturbance rejection control to stabilization of one-dimensional anti-stable wave equations subject to disturbance in boundary input, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 58(2013),1269-1274.
[53]. B.Z.Guo and D.H.Yang, On convergence of boundary Hausdorff measure and application to a boundary shape optimization problem, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 51(2013), 253–272.
[54]. B.Z.Guo and Z.C.Shao, Well-posedness and regularity for non-uniformSchrodinger andEuler-Bernoulli equations with boundary control and observation, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics ,70(2012), 111-132.
[55]. B.Z.Guo and D.H.Yang, Some compact classes of open sets under Hausdorff distance and application to shape optimization, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization , 50(2012), 222–242.
[56]. B.Z.Guo and Z.L.Zhao, On the convergence of extended state observer for nonlinear systems with uncertainty, Systems and Control Letters , 60(2011), 420-430.
[57]. M. Krstic, B.Z.Guo and A. Smyshlyaev, Boundary controllers and observers for the linearized Schrodinger equation, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization , 49(2011), 1479–1497.
[58]. J.M.Wang, B.Z.Guo and M.Krstic, Wave equation stabilization by delays equal to even multiples of the wave propagation time, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 49(2011), 517–554.
[59]. S.G.Chai and B.Z.Guo, Well-posedness and regularity of Naghdi's shell equation under boundary control, Journal of Differential Equations , 249 (2010) , 3174-3214.
[60]. B.Z.Guo and F.F.Jin, Arbitrary decay ratefor two connected strings with joint anti-damping by boundary output feedback, Automatica , 46(2010),1203-1209.
[61]. B.Z.Guo and K.Y.Yang, Output feedback stabilization of a one-dimensional Schrodinger equation by boundary observation with time delay, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 55(2010), 1226 -1232.
[62]. S.G.Chai and B.Z.Guo, Feedthrough operator for linear elasticity system with boundary control and observation, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 48(2010),3708-3734.
[63]. B.Z.Guo and T.T.Wu, Approximation of optimal feedback control: A dynamic programming approach, Journal of Global Optimization, 46(2010), 395-422.
[64]. B.Z.Guo and Z.X.Zhang, Well-posedness of systems of linear elasticity with Dirichlet boundary control and observation, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 48(2009), 2139-2167.
[65]. A.Smyshlyaev, B.Z.Guo and M.Krstic, Arbitrary decay rate for Euler-Bernoulli beam by backstepping boundary feedback, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 54(2009), 1134-1140.
[66]. B.Z.Guo and K.Y.Yang, Dynamic stabilization of an Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with time delay in boundary observation, Automatica, 45(2009), 1468-475.
[67]. B.Z.Guo and W.Guo, The strong stabilization of a one-dimensional wave equation by non-collocated dynamic boundary feedback control, Automatica , 45(2009), 790-797.
[68]. B.Z.Guo and Z.C.Shao, Stabilization of an abstract second order system with application to wave equations under non-collocated control and observations, Systems and Control Letters , 58 (2009),334-341.
[69]. J.D.Chang and B.Z.Guo, Application of Ingham-Beuling type type theorems to coefficients identifiability of vibrating systems: finite time identifiability , Differential and Integral Equations , 21(2008), 1037-1054.
[70]. B.Z.Guo, J.M.Wang and K.Y.Yang, Dynamic stabilization of an Euler-Bernoulli beam under boundary control and non-collocated observation, Systems and Control Letters , 57(2008), 740-749.
[71]. M. Krstic, B.Z. Guo, A. Balogh, and A. Smyshlyaev, Control of a tip-force destabilized shear beam by non-collocated observer-based boundary feedback, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization , 47(2008), 553-574.
[72]. M. Krstic, B.Z.Guo, A. Balogh and A. Smyshlyaev, Output-feedback stabilization of an unstable wave equation, Automatica , 44(2008), 63-74.
[73]. B. Z. Guo and Z.X. Zhang,Well-Posedness and regularity for an Euler-Bernoulli plate with variable coefficients and boundary control and observation, Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 19(2007), 337-360.
[74]. B. Z. Guo and Z. C. Shao, On well-posedness, regularity and exact controllability for problems of transmission ofplate equation with variable coefficients, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, 65(2007), 705-736.
[75]. B.Z. Guo and B. Sun, Numerical solution to the optimal feedback control of continuous casting process, J ournal of Global Optimization, 39(2007), 171-195.
[76]. J.D. Chang and B.Z. Guo, Identification of variable spacial coefficients for a beam equation from boundary measurement, Automatica , 43(2007), 732-737.
[77]. B. Z. Guo and C.Z. Xu,The stabilization of a one-dimensional wave equation by boundary feedback with non-collocated observation, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 52(2007),371-377.
[78]. B.Z. Guo and J. M. Wang, Remarks on the application of the Keldysh Theorem to the completeness of root subspace of non-self-adjoint operators and comments on "Spectral operators generated by Timoshenko beam model", Systems and Control Letters , 55(2006), 1029-1032.
[79]. B.Z. Guo and H. Zwart, On the relation between stability of continuous- and discrete time evolution equations via the Cayley transform, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 54(2006), 349-383.
[80]. B.Z. Guo and G.Q. Xu, Expansion of solution in terms of generalized eigenfunctions for a hyperbolic system with static boundary condition, Journal of Functional Analysis, 231(2006), 245-268.
[81]. B.Z. Guo and J.M. Wang, The well-posedness and stability of a beam equation with conjugate variables assigned at the same boundary, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 50(12)(2005), 2087-2093.
[82]. B.Z. Guo and X. Zhang, The regularity of the wave equation with partial Dirichlet control and colocated observation, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 44(5)(2005), 1598-1613.
[83]. B.Z. Guo and Z.C. Shao, Regularity of a Schrodinger equation with Dirichlet control and colocated observation, Systems and Control Letters , 54(2005), 1135-1142.
[84]. B.Z. Guo, J.M. Wang and S. P. Yung, Boundary stabilization of a flexible manipulator with rotational inertia, Differential and Integral Equations , 18(2005), 1013-1038.
[85]. B.Z. Guo, J.M. Wang and S.P.Yung, On the C0-semigroup generation and exponential stability resulting from a shear force feedback on a rotating beam, Systems and Control Letters , 54(2005), 557-574.
[86]. B.Z. Guo and G.Q. Xu, On Basis property of a hyperbolic system with dynamic boundary condition, Differential and Integral Equations , 18(1)(2005), 35-60.
[87]。 B.Z. Guo and Y. Xie, A sufficient condition on Riesz basis with parentheses of non-selfadjoint operator and application to a serially connected string system under joint feedbacks, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimizations , 43(2004), 1234-1252.
[88]. B.Z. Guo and G.Q. Xu, Riesz bases and exact controllability of C0-groups with one-dimensional input operators, Systems and Control Letters , 52(2004), 221-232.
[89]. G.Q. Xu and B.Z. Guo, Riesz basis property of evolution equations in Hilbert spaces and application to a coupled string equation, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 42(2003), 966-984.
[90]. B.Z. Guo and Y.H. Luo, Riesz basis property of a second order hyperbolic system with collocated scalar input/output, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 47(2002), 693-698.
[91]. B.Z. Guo and Y.H. Luo, Controllability and stability of a second order hyperbolic system with collocated sensor/actuator, Systems and Control Letters, 46(2002),45-65.
[92]. B.Z. Guo, Riesz basis property and exponential stability of controlled Euler-Bernoulli beam equations with variable coefficients, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization , 40(2002), 1905-1923.
[93]. B.Z. Guo, Riesz basis approach to the stabilization of a flexible beam with a tip mass, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization , 39(2001), 1736-1747.
[94]. W.D. Zhu, B. Z. Guo and C. D. Jr Mote, Stabilization of a translating tensioned beam through a pointwise control force, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 122(2000) 322-331.
[95]. B.Z. Guo and C.Z. Xu, On the spectrum-determined growth condition of a vibration cable with a tip mass, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 45(2000), 89-93.
[96]. W.D. Zhu and B.Z. Guo, Free and forced vibration of an axially moving string with an arbitrary velocity profile, ASME Journal ofApplied Mechanics , 65(4)(1998), 901-907.
[97]. W.D. Zhu and B.Z. Guo, On Hybrid boundary control of flexible systems, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 119(1997), 836-839. .
[98]. B.Z. Guo and W.D. Zhu, On the energy decay of two coulpled strings through a joint damper, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 203(3)(1997), 447-455.
[99]. W.D. Zhu, Mote C.D. Jr and B.Z. Guo, Asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues of constrained translating string, ASME Journalof Applied Mechanics , 64(1997), 613-619.
[92]. Z.H. Luo and B.Z. Guo, Shear force feedback control of a single link flexible robot with revolute joint, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 42(1997), 53-65.
[100]. Z.H. Luo, N. Kitamura and B.Z. Guo, Shear force feedback control of flexible robot arms, IEEE Transactions on Robotics Automation, 11(1995),760-765.
[101]. Z.H. Luo and B.Z. Guo, Further theoretical results on direct strain feedback control of flexible robot arms, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 40(1995), 747-751.
[102]. W.L. Chan and B.Z. Guo, Global behavior of age-dependent Logistic population models, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 28(1990), 225-235.
[103]. W.L. Chan and B.Z. Guo, On the semigroups for age-dependent population dynamics with spatial diffusion, Manuscripta Mathematica , 66(1989), 161-181.
[104]. B. Z. Guo and W. L. Chan, A semigroup approach to age-dependent population dynamics with time delay, Communication in Partial Differential Equations , 14(1989), 809-832.