姓 名:王雷
(1) 应用数学(学硕):非线性波动方程的理论、计算、分析及应用,基于理论分析、数学解析、数值模拟、物理分析、机器学习等方法。
(2) 应用统计(专硕):结合能动学院科研项目进行,面向能源电力领域的工程热物理应用,包括AI与不确定性量化,AI在多相流中应用。
(3) 专业①人工智能(博士),专业②大数据技术与工程(博士):学术类博士(人工智能,具体方向为机器学习与PDE计算及应用、非线性动力学的机器学习方法,本硕数学、物理背景)和专业类博士(大数据技术与工程,智能流体力学方向,具体为机器学习在能源、电力系统中的应用(如多相流的预测、热防护的概率设计等,本硕工科背景)。学术类博士主要基于理论课题开展相关研究工作和学位论文,专业类博士主要基于先进技术方法且须结合国家重大科技项目或工程应用项目开展研究和学位论文。
联系方式:[email protected]
工作。主持了国家自然科学基金等项目十余项。主要研究结果发表在非线性波动力及人工智能交叉应用领域国内外重要学术刊物如Nonlinearity, Journal of Nonlinear Science, Studies in Applied Mathematics, Physical Review E, Physical Review A, Physica D, Proceedings A, Annals of Physics, Physics of Plasmas, Physics of Fluids, EPL等。
[1] 国家自然科学基金数学天元基金
[2] 国家自然科学基金科学部主任基金
[3] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基
[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目
[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目
[6] JG项目
[7] 博士后基金面上项目
[8] 博士后基金特别资助项目
(1) Liu-Yi Pan, Lei Wang(*), et al., Non-degenerate localized waves beyond Manakov system and their new perspectives, Nonlinearity, 37 (2024) 105016
(2) Liu-Yi Pan, Lei Wang(*), et al., Superregular breathers induced by the higher-order effects in the coupled Hirota equations, Physical Review A, 110, 023523 (2024)
(3) Xiao-Dan Zhao, Lei Wang(*), The coupled Hirota equations with a Lax pair: Painlevé-type asymptotics in transition zone, Studies in Applied Mathematics, e12745 (2024)
(4) Xiao-Dan Zhao, Lei Wang(*), A Two-component Sasa-Satsuma Equation: Large-Time Asymptotics on The Line, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 34, 38 (2024)
(5) Hai-Yi Liu, Lei Wang(*), et al., Prediction of phase transition and time-varying dynamics of the (2+1)-dimensional Boussinesq equation by the parameter- integrated physics-informed neural networks with phase domain decomposition, Physical Review E, 108: 045303 (2023)
(6) Meng-Meng Liu, Wen-Rong Sun(*), Lei Liu, P. G. Kevrekidis, and Lei Wang, Periodic traveling waves in the ϕ4 model: Instability, stability and localized structures, Physical Review E, 107: 034210 (2023)
(7) Shuo Zhou, Lei Wang(*), Jun-Fei Zhao, Nonlinear wave molecules for the Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel equation in nonlinear optics and biology, Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 354: 2100545 (2022)
(8) Hao-Tian Luo, Lei Wang(*), et al., Data-driven solutions and parameter discovery of the Sasa-Satsuma equation via the physics-informed neural networks method, Physica D, 440: 133489 (2022)
(9) Xin Wang(*), Lei Wang, et al., Rogue waves in the three-level defocusing coupled Maxwell-Bloch equations, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 477: 20210585 (2022)
(10) Han-Song Zhang, Lei Wang(*), Wen-Rong Sun, Xin Wang, Tao Xu, Mechanisms of stationary converted waves and their complexes in the multi-component AB system, Physica D, 419: 132849 (2021)
(11) Xue Zhang, Lei Wang(*), Chong Liu, et al., High-dimensional nonlinear wave transitions and their mechanisms, Chaos, 30: 113107 (2020)
(12) Wen-Rong Sun(*), Lei Wang, Matter rogue waves for the three-component Gross-Pitaevskii equations in the spinor Bose-Einstein condensate, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 474: 20170276 (2018)
(13) Jian-Hui Zhang, Lei Wang(*), Chong Liu(*), Superregular Breathers, Characteristics of Nonlinear Stage of Modulation Instability Induced by Higher-order Effects, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 473: 20160681 (2017)
(14) Xin Wang(*), Chong Liu, Lei Wang, Rogue waves and W-shaped solitons in the multiple self-induced transparency system, Chaos, 27, 093106 (2017)
(15) Lei Wang(*), Jian-Hui Zhang, Zi-Qi Wang, Chong Liu, et al., Breather-to- soliton transitions, nonlinear wave interactions, and modulational instability in a higher-order generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Physical Review E, 93: 012214 (2016)
(16) Lei Wang(*), Jian-Hui Zhang, Chong Liu, et al., Breather transition dynamics, Peregrine combs and walls, and modulation instability in a variable- coefficient nonlinear Schrödinger equation with higher-order effects, Physical Review E, 93: 062217 (2016)
(17) Lei Wang(*), Yu-Jie Zhu, et al., Modulational instability, higher-order localized wave structures, and nonlinear wave interactions for a nonautonomous Lenells-Fokas equation in inhomogeneous fibers, Chaos, 25: 063111 (2015)
(18) Lei Wang(*), Xiao Li, et al., Breather interactions and higher-order nonautonomous rogue waves for the inhomogeneous nonlinear Schrödinger Maxwell-Bloch equations, Annals of Physics, 359: 97 (2015)