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1. Li He, Xiaowu He*, Jie Li, et al., A novel flat electron emission lamp based on the porous silicon ballistic-electron emitter. Micropor. Mesopor. Mat., 2021, 312: 110807.
2. Xiaowu He, Yanbiao Ren*, Ronghai Yu, et al., Clarifying the effect of local structure of Ce3+ and Eu3+ on photoluminescence of YAG:Ce,Eu nanophosphors. J. Alloys. Compd., 2020, 822: 153671-153680.
3. Xiaowu He, Ying Yu, Zhichuan Niu*, et al., Quantum light source devices of In(Ga)As semiconductor self-assembled quantum dots., Journal of Semiconductors, 2019, 40: 71902-71913.
4. Xiaowu He, Xiaofang Liu*, Ronghai Yu*, et al., Monitor local structure variation of Ce3+ activator in YAG:Ce nanophosphor with calcination temperature by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J. Alloys. Compd., 2017, 729: 929-935.
5. Xiaowu He, Xiaofang Liu*, Ronghai Yu*, et al., Clarifying the preferential occupation of Ga3+ ions in YAG:Ce,Ga nanocrystals with various Ga3+-doped concentration by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J. Mater. Chem. C., 2016, 4: 10691-10700.