研究方向:组合优化 (Combinatorial optimization)
算法设计与分析, Design and analysis of Algorithm
图论,graph theory
电子邮箱:[email protected]
陈学刚,男,1970年9月生。 1994年、1997年在曲阜师范大学数学系及运筹学研究所获得学士、硕士学位,2004年7月在北京理工大学应用数学专业获得博士学位。2004年被聘为副教授,2013年晋升为教授。2012年6月-2013年6月加拿大维多利亚大学访问学者。2007-2019年,多次到香港浸会大学和韩国的昌原大学访问。
主要从事组合优化问题的算法设计与分析和图论的理论方面的研究工作,先后主持和参与了校博士启动基金, 中央高校基金 2项, 北京市博士后基金, 国家自然科学基金2项。出版中文专著1部,发表SCI和EI收录论文40篇。获得山东高等学校优秀科研成果(自然科学类)二等奖一项.
组合数学, 2007-2011年, 48学时, 80人
高等数学, 2012-2019年,186学时,100-120人
线性代数, 2012-2019年, 48 学时, 100-120人
毕业硕士: 张丽, 陈宏宇, 邹晓丽, 孙桂艳, 刘惠敏, 石永涛, 乔丽娜, 张旭, 高婷, 尹凯, 吴晓菲.
在读硕士: 王玉凤, 赵雪松, 孙亚莉
[1]全部作者,论文题目,刊物名称, 出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码 (收录类型)
[51]X.G. Chen, M.Y. Sohn, Trees with equal strong roman domination number and roman domination number, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2019 (56): 31-44. (SCI)
[50] X.G. Chen, M.Y. Sohn, ON [1,2]-domination in trees, Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2018(33): 631-638.
[49] X.G. Chen,X. Zhang, On a-total domination in prisms and mobius ladders, Utilitas Mathematica, 2018 (109): 337-349. (SCI)
[48] M.Y. Sohn, X.G. Chen, F.T .Hu, On Efficiently Total Dominatable Digraphs, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 2018 (41):1749-1758. (SCI)
[46] X.G. Chen, K. Yin, T. Gao, A note on independent vertex–edge domination in graphs, Discrete Optimization, 2017(25):1-5. (SCI)
[45] X.G. Chen, T. Gao, A note on α-total domination in cubic graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2017(217): 718-721. (SCI)
[44] F.T. Hu, M.Y. Sohn, X.G. Chen, Total and paired domination numbers of C<inf>m</inf> bundles over a cycle C<inf>n</inf>, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2016(32): 608-625. (SCI)
[43]X.G. Chen, S. Fujita, Downhill domination problem in graphs, Information Processing Letters, 2015(115):580-581. (SCI)
[42] X.G. Chen, J. Huang, Uniquely monopolar-partitionable block graphs, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 2014. (SCI)
[41] X.G. Chen, S. Fujita ,On diameter and inverse degree of chemical graphs, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 2013(SCI)
[40] X.G. Chen, M.Y. Sohn, Total dominations in p<inf>6</inf>-free graphs, Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2013 (28): 857-863.
[39] H.Y. Chen, W.C. Shiu, X.G. Chen, P.K. Sun, On the total restrained domination number of direct products of graphs,Discussiones Mathematicae - Graph Theory, 2012 (32): 629-641. (SCI)
[38] X.G. Chen, D.X. Ma,Strong equality of domination parameters in graphs, Utilitas Mathematica, 2012,(88):367-380. (SCI)
[37]X.G. Chen, W.C. Shiu, New upper bound on the global defensive alliance number in treesElectronic ,Journal of Combinatorics, 2011(SCI)
[36] H.Y. Chen, X.G. Chen, X. Tan,On k-connected restrained domination in graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 2011(SCI)
[35] X.G. Chen, M.Y. Sohn ,Domination number of graphs without small cycles,Graph and
Combin. 2011(27):821-830. (SCI)
[34] X.G. Chen, S. Fujita, M.Y. Sohn Constructing connected bicritical graphs with edge-connectivity 2 , Discrete Applied Mathematics , 2012(SCI)
[33] X.G. Chen, M.Y. Sohn , Bounds on the locating-total domination number of a tree, Discrete
Applied Mathematics 159(8): 769-773 (2011) (SCI)
[32] X.G. Chen, W.C. Shiu, H.C. Wai, Triangle-free graphs with large independent domination number, Discrete Optimization 7(1-2): 86-92 (2010) (SCI)
[31] X.G. Chen, W.C. Shiu, A note on the domination dot-critical graphs ,Discrete Applied
Math, 157(18),3743-3745. (SCI)
[30] X.G. Chen, M.Y. Sohn,A note on the total domination vertex critical graphs,Ars Com-
bin.88 (2008)289-294 (SCI)
[29] X.G. Chen, W.C. Shiu, H.C. Wai, Upper bounds on paired-domination number,
Applied Math. Letters 21:11 (2008)1194-1198 (SCI)
[28] X.G. Chen, Tree with equal total domination and total restrained domination numbers, Discussiones
Math. Graph Theory,28(2008) 59-66 (SCI)
[27]X.G. Chen, Tree domatic number in graphs, Opuscula Mathematica, 27(1) 2007,1-7
[26] X.G. Chen, Vertices contained in all minimum paired-dominating sets of a tree, Czechoslovak Math. J.
57(1)(2007) 407-417 05C69 (SCI)
[25]H.M. Xing, X. Chen, X.G. Chen,A note on Roman domination in graphs,Discrete Math.
306 (2006) 3338-3340 05C69 (SCI)
[24] X.G. Chen,H.M. Xing, Domination parameters in Mycielski graphs, Util. Math. 71 (2006)
235-244 05C69 (SCI)
[23] X.G. Chen, L. Sun, H.M. Xing,An upper bound for domination number of 5-regular graphs,
Czechoslovak Math. J. 56 (2006) 1049-1061 05C69 (SCI)
[22] L. Zhang, D.L. Chen, X.G. Chen, The relationship between a graph's incidence coloring number and its Mycielski graph's incidence coloring number,Adv. Math. (China) 35
(2006) 171-177 05C15
[21] H.M. Xing, L. Sun, X.G. Chen , Domination in graphs of minimum degree _ve,Graphs
Combin. 22 (2006) 127-143 05C69 (SCI)
[20] X.G. Chen, On graphs with equal total domination and connected domination numbers. Appl. Math.
Lett. 19 (2006) 472-477 05C69 (SCI)
[19] H.M. Xing, L. Sun, X.G. Chen, On signed distance k-domination in graphs, Czechoslovak
Math. J. 56 (2006) 229-238 05C69 (SCI)
[18] X.G. Chen, The bondage number of planar graphs. (Chinese) Comm. Appl. Math. Comput. 19 (2005)
85-88 05C69
[17] H.M. Xing, L. Sun, X.G. Chen , On a generalization of signed total dominating functions of graphs, Ars Combin. 77 (2005) 205-215 05C69 (SCI)
[16] X.G. Chen, L. Sun, D.X. Ma, A note on graphs with largest total k-domination number,
Ars Combin. 77 (2005) 9-16 05C69 (SCI)
[15] X.G. Chen, L. Sun, Some new results on double domination in graphs.J. Math. Res. Expo-
sition 25 (2005) 451-456 05C69
[14] X.G. Chen, L. Sun, H.M. Xing, D.X Ma, A note on the independent domination number of subset graph.Czechoslovak Math. J. 55 (2005) 511-517 05Cxx (SCI)
[13] H.M. Xing, L. Sun, X.G. Chen, On signed majority total domination in graphs.Czechoslo-
vak Math. J. 55 (2005) 341-348 05C35 (SCI)
[12] X.G. Chen, L. Sun, D.X Ma On total restrained domination in graphs. Czechoslovak
Math. J. 55 (2005) 165-173 05C69 (05C35) (SCI)
[11]H.M. Xing, X.G. Chen, Bounds of minus paired-domination number in graphs. (Chinese)
J. Shandong Univ. Sci. Technol. Nat. Sci. 23 (2004) 72-74 05C69
[10] H.M. Xing, X.G. Chen ,Factor domination in graphs. (Chinese)J. Shandong Univ. Sci.
Technol. Nat. Sci. 23 (2004) 88-91 05C69
[9] X.G. Chen, L. Sun, H.M. Xing, Characterization of graphs with equal domination and connected domination numbers. Discrete Math. 289 (2004) 129-135 05C69 (SCI)
[8] X.G. Chen, L. Sun, A. McRae, Tree domination in graphs.Ars Combin. 73 (2004) 193-203
05C69 (SCI)
[7] X.G. Chen, D.X Ma , A note on connected bipartite graphs having independent domination number half their
order.Appl. Math. Lett. 17 (2004) 959-962 05C69 (SCI)
[6] X.G. Chen, L. Sun, D.X Ma , Connected domination critical graphs.Appl. Math. Lett.
17 (2004) 503-507 05C69 (SCI)
[5] H.M. Xing, L. Sun, X.G. Chen ,Signed total domination in graphs.J. Beijing Inst.
Technol. 12 (2003) 319-321 05C69
[4] X.G. Chen, L. Sun, D.X Ma , Bondage and reinforcement number for complete multipartite graph.J. Beijing Inst. Technol. 12 (2003) 89-91 05C69
[3]X.G. Chen, D.L. Chen, On incidence chromatic number of three classes of Cartesian product graphs. (Chinese)
Math. Econ. 19 (2002) 88-90 05C15
[2] X.G. Chen, D.L. Chen ,A new upper bound of the strong chromatic index. (Chinese) (with Chen, Dong Ling) Appl.Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. A 17 (2002) 264-268 05C15
[1] X.G. Chen, A new method for proving that complete multipartite graphs satisfy the total chromatic
number conjecture. (Chinese), Shandong Kuangye Xueyuan Xuebao 17 (1998) 206-209