研究方向:Focus Area:
My research focuses on the well-posedness of initial value problems and large-time behavior of solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations with dissipation.
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刘永琴,女,1979年8月生。 2001年9月至2006年6月在武汉大学数学与统计学院硕博连读; 2007年1月至2008年11月在复旦大学做博士后; 2008年11月至2010年11月在日本学术振兴会(JSPS)的资助下在九州大学做博士后; 从2011年3月起在华北电力大学bet365游戏
任职, 2013年1月被聘为副教授。 主要从事非线性发展方程初值问题以及初边值问题的适定性和解的大时间性态研究 发表SCI论文10余篇, 2012年获得国家自然科学基金青年项目资助。
[1]项目名称: 带耗散结构的偏微分方程(组)解的稳定性分析;
经费来源: 国家自然科学基金;
起止年月: 2013年1月—2015年12月;
[1] Y. Liu, Asymptotic behavior of solutions to a nonlinear plate equation with memory, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 16 (2017), 533-556.
[2] S. Mao and Y. Liu, Decay property for solutions to plate type equation with variable coefficients, Kinet. Relat. Mod.,10 (2017), 785-797.
[3] S. Mao and Y. Liu, Decay of solutions to generalized plate type equations with memory, Kinet. Relat. Mod.,7 (2014), 121-131.
[4] Y. Liu and S. Kawashima, Global existence and asymptotic decay of solutions to the nonlinear Timoshenko system with memory, Nonlinear Analysis-TMA, 84 (2013), 1-17.
[5] Y. Liu, The point-wise estimates of solutions for semi-linear dissipative wave equation, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 12 (2013), 237-252.
[6] Y. Liu, Decay of solutions to an inertial model for a semi-linear plate equation with memory, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 394 (2012), 616-632.
[7] Y. Liu and S. Kawashima, Decay property for the Timoshenko system with memory-type dissipation, Math. Models Meth. Appl. Sci., 22 (2012), 1-19.
[8] Y. Liu and S. Kawashima, Global existence and decay of solutions for a quasi-linear dissipative plate equation,J. Hyperbolic Differential Equations, 8 (2011), 591—614.
[9] Y. Liu and S. Kawashima, Decay property for a plate equation with memory-type dissipation, Kinet. Relat. Mod.,4 (2011), 531-547.
[10] Y. Liu and S. Kawashima, Global existence and large-time behavior of solutions for quasilinear dissipative plate equation,Discrete Continuous Dynam. Systems, 29 (2011), 1113-1139.
[11] Y. Liu and S. Kawashima, Asymptotic behavior of solutions to a model system of a radiating gas, Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 10 (2011), 209-223.
[12] Y. Liu and W. Wang, The pointwise estimates of solutions for dissipative wave equation in multi-dimensions, Discrete Continuous Dynam. Systems, 20 (2008), 1013-1028.
[13] Y. Liu and W. Wang, Well-posedness of the IBVP for 2-D Euler equations with damping, J. Differential Equations, 245 (2008), 2477-2503.
[14] Y. Liu and W. Wang, Local well-posedness to a new integrable equation, Nonlinear Analysis, 64 (2006), 2516-2526.
[15] Y. Liu, W. Wang, Global existence of solution to the Camassa-Holm equation, Nonlinear Analysis, 60 (2005), 945-953.