姓名: 石玉英
职称: 教授
所在院系: bet365游戏
Ø 大数据分析(Big Data Analysis),图像处理(Image Processing) ,偏微分方程数值解 (Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations) 等
电子邮箱:[email protected]
石玉英,女, 2001年7月在山东大学数学与系统科学研究院信息与计算科学专业获得学士学位,2006年7月在中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院应用数学所获博士学位,2015年被聘为教授。中国工业与应用数学学会理事。
毕业硕士: 王玮,贾文,刘晶晶,郭峰,刘慧,张晓乐,贾彤彤,赵倩,李一霖,祁琳,栾晶,刘巧。
3. 学生获得荣誉
[1] 国家自然科学基金,“边界检测方法及其在电网安全保障中的应用”, (No. 11271126,2013.01-2016.12)
[2] 国家自然科学基金,“基于逆尺度空间方法的图像恢复问题” (No. 10801049,2009.01-2011.12)
[3] 国家自然科学基金,“基于G空间上的迭代正则方法的图像恢复问题” (数学天元基金,No.10726035,2008.01-2008.12)
[4] 国家外国专家局聘请外国文教专家重点项目,“基于尺度空间方法和逆尺度空间方法的图像恢复问题” (2010.01-2010.12)
[5] 教育部中央高校基金重大项目“图像处理的偏微分方程方法在智能电网中的应用” (No. 2014ZZD10, 2014.04-2017.04)
[6] 教育部中央高校基金面上项目“基于Mumford-Shah模型的快速边界检测研究” (2011.07-2013.12)
[1] 北京市组织部,2012.07, 2012年度北京市优秀人才培养资助计划
[2] 华北电力大学,2017.12, 2016-2017学年度优秀研究生班主任
[3] 华北电力大学,2017.9, 华北电力大学2016-2017年度教学优秀奖
[1] 石玉英,杨晓忠,常谦顺,《图像恢复的全变分模型及数值方法》,科学出版社,2013年3月,23万字, ISBN:978-7-03-036161-5.
[2] Y.Y. Shi, Z. Liu, X. Wang, J. Zhang, Edge detection with mixed noise based on maximum a posteriori approach, Inverse Problems & Imaging,15(5):1223-1245,2021.
[3] Y.Y. Shi, Z.M. Huo, J. Qin and Y.L. Li, Automatic prior shape selection for image edge detection with modified Mumford–Shah model, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 79(6):1644-1660, 2020.
[4] Y.Y. Shi, Y. Gu, L.L. Wang and X.C. Tai, A fast edge detection algorithm using binary labels, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 9(2): 551-578, 2015.
[5] Y.Y. Shi and Q.S. Chang, A robust and fast combination algorithm for deblurring and denoising, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 9(4): 865-874, 2015.
[6] Y.Y. Shi, X.Z. Yang and Y.G. Zhu, Bregman iterative model using the G-norm, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 30(1): 179-186, 2014.
[7] Y.Y. Shi and Q.S. Chang, Efficient algorithm for isotropic and anisotropic total variation deblurring and denoising, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2013, Article ID 797239, 2013.
[8] Y.Y. Shi, L.L. Wang and X.C. Tai, Geometry of total variation regularized $L^p$-model, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236(8):2223-2234, 2012.
[9] Y.Y. Shi and X.Z. Yang, New total variation regularized L1 model for image restoration, Digital Signal Processing, 20(6):1656-1676, 2010.
[10] Y.Y. Shi and Q.S. Chang, New model for image restoration with different boundary conditions, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 26(3):369-380, 2010.
[11] Y.Y. Shi, Convergence of fixed point iteration for modified restoration problems, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 32(1):31-39, 2008.
[12] Y.Y. Shi and Q.S. Chang, Acceleration methods for image restoration problem with different boundary conditions, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 58(5):602-614, 2008.
[13] X.L. Zhang, Y.Y. Shi, Z.F. Pang and Y.G. Zhu, Fast algorithm for image denoising with different boundary conditions, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 354(11): 4595–4614, 2017.
[14] T.T. Jia, Y.Y. Shi, Y.G. Zhu, L. Wang, An image restoration model combining mixed L1/L2 fidelity terms, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 38: 461–473, 2016.
[15] J. Liu, Y.Y. Shi and Y.G. Zhu, A fast and robust algorithm for image restoration with periodic boundary conditions, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, 17(3): 524-538, 2014.
[16] Wang, D.Y. Jiang, F.H. Qi Y.Y. Shi, Y.C. Zhao, Dynamics of the higher-order rogue waves for a generalized mixed nonlinear Schrodinger model, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 42:502-519,2017.
[17] Y.G. Zhu, Y.Y. Shi, B. Zhang and X.Y. Yu, Weighted-average alternating minimization method for magnetic resonance image reconstruction based on compressive sensing, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 8(3): 925-937, 2014.
[18] Y.G. Zhu and Y.Y. Shi, A fast method for reconstruction of Total-Variation MR Images with a periodic boundary condition, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20(4):291-294. 2013.